Biosyncing refers to bio-mechanical symbiosis; when a human and a machine are in a reactive, performance-augmenting loop. It describes behavioral changes on the part of humans, based on mechanical feedback, and machines learning from human responses, making alterations automatically. An example of the former is how someone responds to nudges or information delivered from wearable devices. An example of the latter is how an adaptive computer program responds to a human's biometric data.
A successful biosyncing loop occurs subconsciously to the human when s/he enters into an automatic reactive state.
by denishurley February 2, 2016
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Biosyncing refers to bio-mechanical symbiosis; when a human and a machine are in a reactive, performance-augmenting loop. It describes behavioral changes on the part of humans, based on mechanical feedback, and machines learning from human responses, making alterations automatically. An example of the former is how someone responds to nudges or information delivered from wearable devices. An example of the latter is how an adaptive computer program responds to a human's biometric data.
A successful biosyncing loop occurs subconsciously to the human when s/he enters into an automatic reactive state.
by denishurley February 2, 2016
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