Verb: when you have interlocked your toes with with someone else's fingers and you totally dominate and destroy them and they have to say "mercy"
Uh oh he's gonna big toed me and I will be forced to say Mercy
by ToesRhot July 10, 2018
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A bitch that cares mostly about a man's toe size; Constantly scoping out men in flip flops searching for the perfect toe proportion.

This guy was interested in this girl but then he realized he stood no chance because she was a big toed bitch.
Big Toed Bitch: I'm going to the shoe section so i can look at men's feet.
Friend: Why?
Big Toed Bitch: Because, I'm a big toed bitch, and i gotta find me a big toed dick.
by T3rmin4l/Cri7ic4l January 24, 2020
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