the baddest bitch you'll ever meet honestly, homegirl's always got her shit straight and never settles for less, standards higher than mount everest and has a baddass attidude. A kind and humble soul, she'll forgive but NEVER forget, honestly if you did her wrong you better fucking run, she can go from being a total sweetheart to a full on raging psycopath in a matter or nanoseconds.
homie 1: bro did you hear?
homie 2: what
homie 1: Bendija fucking keyed and smashed the windows on Jack's car after she found him cheating on her.
homie 2: say goddd
homie 3: bro's thats not it, she fucked the girl her boyfriend cheated on on her with, and the girl said she fucked her better than Jack
homie 2 & 1: honestly I wouldn't fuck with her

homie 3: no one would
by dabaddestofemall November 14, 2020
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