A person who has a beige or "golden" skin tone
"Yo pablo u'z a beigean mofo"
"Isaac Paul Philip is a beigean"
by Holyman May 27, 2004
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People of a certain age (usually 65 and beyond) who invariably live a fairly ordinary decent yet dull life. From the colour Beige, they often wear Beige trousers (men) or skirts (women) and choose non descript colours for cars (Beige,White, Grey). Lifestyle usually involves purchases from shops such as Waitrose, John Lewis and Marks and Spencer. Politics are often Liberal or Conservative with a small 'c'. Famous Beigeans include John Major, Gary Lineker, Fiona Bruce. Other Beigean cultural icons includes Church of England, Cakes, Rich Tea Biscuits, Stannah Lifts and Radio 2.
It's a Beigean Tsunami- the John Lewis shop sale is on.
by Supersteve46 October 22, 2019
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