Beerlosophy- Those ingenious ideas and inventions you and your buddy come up with while drinking a case of beer yet have no talent or abilities to actually accomplish or completes these ideas, and they become a faded memory the next morning during the hangover stage.
While sitting on the roof and drinking a case of Keystone Light (ie ;keith stone light), Ken and Charles beerlosophize a way to save the planet....INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC LIGHTS! Traffic lights that could predict and scan oncoming traffic and not turn red when a mass of cars is approaching therefore saving millions of gallons of gasoline with cars not idling needlessly and having to accelerate back to speed. Unfortunately, their beerlosophy fades away the next morning as they sober up and realize they have no talent or capability to accomplish this idea and the world ends a couple of years later.
by LastTraintoMemphis July 12, 2019
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