Nasty people that steal babies from their mummas and pappas at hospital by claiming that their mummas and pappas are hopeless human specimens. But really they all know that they are just 'con artists' who have one aim and that is making lots and lots of MONEY!!!!! These people have little regard for the future of their soul or their impact upon humanity at large. They tend to slowly get eaten from the inside by microscopic bugs and die from cancers of various sorts and when they get to death, they are rejected into heaven because the angels all point out to them that they caused earth to become a much worse place because they were sooo greedy. Then they spend the next 1000 years wishing they hadn't been so nasty and greedy and superficial.
Day in the life of baby thieves...

Baby thief 1 - This mumma is so stupid we will all be driving BMW's because of her!!!
Baby thief 2 - Yeah she is an absolute pushover!!! So is her dadda! I can't wait to drive a BMW!

Baby thief 1 - I don't feel so well and now the doctor says I am going to die in 2 weeks.
by wordfromyamumma January 16, 2014
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