A straight(inlovewithagayman)man who is hot and charming and really good at most everything. Who is in love with a guy but wants awomen. A man who wish his best friend was a girl he could make love too. A guy whohas. Not relized its ok to be gay. Or one who is scared of his love for a man. Most of the men who have a gay best friend. One who would do anything for a assmonky one who follows a assmonkey around or feeds them buys them clothes or feels strong feelings for a assmonkey
Hey bro I'm into a ass monkies that don't know why they love gaymen. V. I would be so into you if you would ever like to be with me and I'm not a assmonkey or assmuppet I'm a guy who is in love with you just for the plain and simple fact that you are you
by yourgaybuddy February 22, 2011
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