1. Chubby little fucker.
2. The biggest tool in the navy.
3. A term used to exercise on a rowing machine with zero results.
4. A smell produced by the armpit.
1. Aww your baby is a amaris
2. Sailor: Go get the aramis to unclog the tollet.
3. I have been working out but i look like amaris.
4. You reek of aramis.
by SitetheMan June 30, 2011
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You may not find a girl as helpful as her. Light emanates wherever it passes.
You will never see her sad, she will only give you reasons to continue.
He can become your most confidential person, he could listen to you for hours and put himself in your place.
You would fall in love just by seeing her smile.

"If you know an Arami, let me say that you have already won everything."
Arami is a good girl
by Arami November 23, 2021
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Aramis: He knows that the oilers are the best hockey team ever. #ConnorMcDavidsexy #loveoilers4ever
Whats Aramis's favourite hockey team? Its the oilers.

Aramis loves connor McDavid!
by pea_tear_griffin January 5, 2022
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Aramis is An iranian persian girls name

It Means yellow rose and beautiful girl
Oh aramis! You’re looking great today:)
by I’m directioner August 18, 2018
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Aramys is a girl. Opposing the masculine spelling of the name, "Aramis". Aramys is a girl/young adult/woman that comes into your life and you dont realize who she is until you get to know her. She will always be there for you even when you don't want her. You'll never want to lose an Aramys for they are the sweetest people on Earth. They are gorgeous and perfect. While many people don't see the uniqueness of an Aramys until they actually meet them or almost lose them, they're uniqueness is among many others. Don't underestimate an Aramys, just be there for her and be her friend because once you lose an Aramys it's almost impossible to get them back.
by Missmuss March 21, 2018
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