She is a angel, as her name reads. Clever, creative, strong, and funny, sometimes a bit crazy, but overall a great friend and partner. She is truly a beautiful and sexy girl. She can be really dirty when she wants to be. She'll cheer you up when you're down. She stands for her friends, she has crushes on younger or older people it’s rare to see her with someone her age, she is polite. With a smartass sense of humor and a great smile, she's the most perfect girl you can find. No matter what, an Angelliqe is the most gorgeous girl you will encounter, so don't take her for granted.
Guy#1 woah who’s that
Guy#2 you don’t know who that is?!?!! That’s Angelliqe the most perfect person you will ever meet.
by Your mom;/ January 12, 2021
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