She's the girl that thinks she is nothing and has no talent's but she doesn't realize how talented she is. She's beautiful, she has a smile that lights up the whole room but she rarely used it. She doesn't fall in love to easily and won't tell you if she does but she always finds her self wishing and falling over the boy/ girl next door. She has dreams about him/ her every night wishing her wish would come true. She just wants to have them sweep her off her feet and they sneak out at night and run through the neighborhood or the parking lot laughing. She is very unique and weird but weird in a good way. She has her own personality and doesn’t like to be bossed around. She is down to earth and is always busting out jokes. She’s a extrovert when around people but then also doesn’t like people and loves to be alone, she would rather be a introvert. She’s just amazing m😏😂
Addelynn is the person you always wanna be around.
by S4dfr0ggy June 26, 2021
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