An anarcho-capitalist, someone who believes in the abolition of the state and the advent of a free-market economy.
A: "I am an ACist"
A: sighhh
by ZJeezyJ November 19, 2009
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A Narcissist with no arse/ass/buns/buttocks/Derriere ... this condition is normally accompanied by a sister disorder where they dislike Ski holidays, democracy and moving home. Sometimes spotted on Call of Duty: Warzone, when not making themselves the centre of attention at wedding number 12 of the year. Ironically, where their complete lack of arse is laid bare for all to see.
by mystery excelsiorite January 22, 2021
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Means your don't have common interests that a normal person would. and you'd simultaneously use boring things such as VoiceMod and a soundboard for just being a bitch, and you'd use this to annoy people and makes less people like you.
Average VoiceMod User: Plays the autistic fortnite battle pass song with a reverb fart

Normal Person whos pissed off: dude fuck off! you ACIST. I don't give a fuck what you think in your mind, but this? this bullshit? i don't think so. stop joining random servers just to play gayass audio's and cause madness! fuck you and kill yourself you stupid cunt!
by DeezNtus April 3, 2022
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