"Yon'Cea" is a rare name I've never heard any one else name like it, my name's Yon'Cea, I can't really say anything about my name. Back when my mom was Alive she found this name in a news article an named me it, everyone I would tell that's my name they would say it's unique. Which they is right of course an it's hard to say most people learned how to pronounce it. I love my name cause u can't say anyone else have it but most of all when I teach people how to say it is kinda funny cause they still need a little help on how to say it, most people think my name is Spanish which I don't know it kinda does sound Spanish when you say it, if I say so myself, most people call me "yonce" just to not finish my whole name cause it's easier I guess well hope this enough!.
Yawn-ce-aye Yon'Cea
by November 23, 2021
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