An indescribable person.

So here goes......
Always someone that you’ll find joy talking to. She’s the type of person who can talk to you just about anything- or nothing at all. She is willing to listen hours on end to people who just need someone to talk to. A complete bookworm. She’s the type of person that will give you a smirk each time her name pops up on your phone. If you ever If you If you meet her- NEVER LET HER GO, for you will regret it for the rest of your life. Always treat her as if she means the world to you, because she will. She is the most perfect person that you will ever meet.

Just a tiny list of her personalities:


Full of integrity

True to herself and other around her

Full of humility and compassion.
Consider yourself lucky in life if she said one word to you your entire life.
person 1: I heard you got to talk to Xianjian, I wish I were you :)
Person 2: ☺️☺️☺️
by Some pathetic idiot October 26, 2019
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