World Series of Poker

Commonly abbreviated as the WSOP, a series of Poker tournaments held each spring at Binion's Horsehoe Casino in Las Vegas, NV. Invented by Benny Binion as a way for the top players in the world to pit their skills against each other.

Events include, but aren't limited to- 7 Card Stud, Five Card Lowball, Omaha Hi-Lo, etc. The WSOP culminates with the Championship Event - a $10,000 buy-in Texas Hold-Em' tournament that lasts a week. Anybody who has $10,000 for an entry fee can enter. Event attracts everybody who is anybody in the Poker world.

Last year's tournament had a record 839 players and first place got $2.5 million.
Chris Moneymaker won the 2003 World Series of Poker.
by ACG2x January 12, 2004
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