A game created by Eduweb. It's a life simulation game centered around gray wolves, specifically in Yellowstone National Park. It was created with the intention of educating a young audience about the importance of wolves in the ecosystem, but has since blew up with a large, passionate fanbase.
Person A: Oh yeah, I like Wolfquest!
Person B: That's cringe.
Person A: Maybe instead of judging someone based off their interests, you could get off your fat ass and stop playing Call of Duty for 8 hours straight.
by averysan April 30, 2021
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A large community of people, kids mainly. It is also mostly filled with wolfaboos and many of the 10 year old children on there love to just start pointless, meaningless drama.

They look for 'mates' on multiplayer and start role plays for their packs in which people can join and power play like immature kids would do.

If you are a butthurt loser this is a great game for you!
Wolfquest is great for people who lack a life.
by Revelatie October 6, 2011
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