Wokege | ˈwōkäjē |

1. The leader who understands the multiple realities beyond generations through the tangible concept of quantum physics.

The commander who leads a group, organization, or country through various methods of quantum mechanics: the leader of a village.

• an informal form of address, especially to someone of superior rank or status: Wokege sees beyond out vision.

adjective (US informal)
Alert to various outcomes surpassing the multitudes of classification and emotions: The Hokege is woke on another level, we‘re in another dream state within a dream.

US English: The combination of Hokege from late 17th century Japan: 火影, Literally meaning: Fire Shadow and Woke from Old English (recorded only in the past tense wōc), also partly from the weak verb wacian ‘remain awake, hold a vigil’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch waken and German wachen;
There have been eight Hokage in the village's history, but only one who saw before and after. The Wokege carried the largest burden of them all, knowing that all of history will repeat itself one day.
by 7th Hokege November 11, 2018
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