Another high profile member of Fandom_Wank that zeroed in on Cassandra Claire during her fanfiction years; she didn't like being confronted by the man behind The Fandom Writer as she coined him a "psychotic asshole" when she realized she was put on the spot on LiveJournal. As she's known to make J.K. Rowling's established characters into donut punchers and peter puffers. Also known as "Avocado" on as she's part of what they've known as the Carnivorous Wolves of Fandom Wank. Encyclopedia Dramatica was her alleged journalistic source along with co-hort Mindset so he took direct aim at the latter because she was in striking distance.
The community on had the character known as White_Serpent as pointed out an alleged "Plagiarism" incident that occurred on where Cassandra Claire was a key figure. What she was doing was a form of hypocrisy when she lifted characters from J. K. Rowling as Brian Lumley according to his copyright page is casual copyright infringement aka plagiarism which The Fandom Writer took a hard swipe at before becoming a published author. An Eye In Shadows according to White_Serpent was an empty threat until it showed up in one incarnation on -- TheBookPatch version was revised for historic accuracy of the era. I think the pseudo-journalistic twat should gone after David Boyer of the Shadow Dolls Plagiarism Affair as he lifted from original fiction writers and the fannish counterparts.
by illinoishorrorman February 13, 2018
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