A name for someone who gains all their knowledge of games from watching someone else, typically from the vast amount of YouTube gamers. These people usually can't afford the game themselves therefore they rely on watching someone else to experience it. - or someone simply doesn't want to pay for the game.

Also used when a person is too afraid to play a game by themself, so they watch someone else play it.
Jake: Dude, did you get up to the mission where you kill someone?
Sean: Yeah! I can't believe it, I killed him real good!
Brian: Hey are you talking about >game<, I love that part!
Jake: Oh I didn't know you had a >console< Brian.
Brian: Oh...I don't. I watched someone play it...
*runs away*
Sean: Poor Brian...he's a Walkthrough Gamer...
by Aniesk June 24, 2014
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