What the Kentucky Fucked Chicken: You stand in awe of something you cannot comprehend. Something that defies your concept of the nature of reality and the construct of your perception within it. An event so ludicrously stupid that you wish had started getting video 15 minutes ago to provide context.

If already shouting, Fucked should be yelled even louder.
If whispering in awe of the vast quantity of dumb, say the phrase slowly and clearly so people can read your lips on video.
WTKFC (as text) or if spoken aloud and quoted:
What the Kentucky Fucked Chicken, Dave! If you use the ripsaw like that again, you're going to lose your fucking thumb, they'll close the shop for an investigation and you'll absolutely get canned immediately!! Then we're going to have a cake made, you asshat!
by Solid Cake August 10, 2023
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