Varcon is a sexy human being which sometimes tends to break many hearts, A Varcon’s are very focused and strong minded when it comes to goals. When being introduced to a Varcon it is hard to take your eyes off a Varcon because they are truly beautiful in every way. Varcon will happily hang out with his friends and put them first over him or herself every time. Varcon is so loving and will only say I love you if it is 100% from the heart. Varcon can drink anything and everything from the bottle store and can drink a lot. If you don’t have a varcon in your life you are truly missing out, get yourself a varcon they a rare but will definitely show you a good time.
Do you know varcon ?

Yes omg he so sexy

I wish Varcon knew me

I was with varcon for 3min and couldn’t stop staring

Yeh me too he’s so amazingly handsome
by Realmvp November 22, 2021
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