An OC (original character) that is unoriginal, forming UOC. For example: If someone calls their 'oc' eric cartman and is literally identical to the eric cartman in south park it could be classified as a UOC
1: "Hey like my OC?"
2: "Dude that's literally a character from a game."
1: "So?"
2: "It's a UOC."
by dsgnryehnethrwtn4teryth April 17, 2022
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Uoc is the nicest guy you will ever meet. He likes green protein smoothie because they are heal-THY. He is also superrrr chill and loves to echo his jokes. All in all he is a FUNNY guy. He is a LOYAl friend and takes really good care of his girlfriend. He is loved by many!!!!
Uoc bruhhhh you blew up my toilet.
by Durian monsta November 24, 2021
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