A person who incessantly agrees with other individuals about their opinions and seems to have similar likings/hobbies/activities with the other individuals. Although they're interests may seem coincidental to yours, they are not. The person pretends to like what you like for a passage to your pants( This method has often proven to be a failure). His/her knowledge in your interests may seem impressive but this is only because the person researches about your interests before conversing with you.
Sally(the victim): Hey have you heard of coldplay?
Typeboy101: OMG YES I LOVE THEM!! LOLOL!!!!11one
What a coincidence :O
Typeboy101: We should totally chill at my place and talk about them ;)
Sally: err..g2g, have to masssage my mum's ass mole =), bye!
by typeboy101 June 15, 2008
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