1. to litter 2. soiling cleanliness
when you black out and puke on your expensive designer threads they are TURFT!
by assplunger69 January 15, 2010
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1. Fucked up.

2. Bummy and/or poor quality. Run down.
"Little buddy's sneakers are turft"

"By the time we left the party we were turft"

"Buddy got turft out* for being slippery at the mouth."

*(In the example of Turfed out*, the term "out" is an adverb or an amplifier that no only increases the degree to which said individual got fucked up, but also sheds light on a particular circumstance where the individual in question got knocked out, stomped out, and/or molly wopped.)
by Emerald City July 2, 2018
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