A troll like humanoid with no concern for personal health, image, or hygene. These creatures can often be found at lunch buffets, "all you can eat" dining establishments, or fast food restaurants. They are pack oriented for safety reasons, although contention within the pack can often be found over "the last chicken wing".

During these times you may want to cover your ears, as the troglosaur roar is piercing. Fights are typically brief whether during feeding times or even when confronted by their bipedal slimmer counterparts, as lung capacity is small and blood flow is difficult due to gravy consistency.

Mating is unfortunately more prevalent than expected, although various mechanical hoists and lifts are often needed. Troglosaurs pose little threat to society (other than being inflationary) due to the slow movement, but if approached, confrontation can be avoided by pointing in a random direction, then shouting "lunch buffet" and walking away. Treadmills, vegetables, and small portions are mortal enemies.

The troglosaur can also be found with their smoking cousins, often in liberal establishments, such as the welfare office. (Trog-LO-sawr)
Dude, that girl you went home with last night was a total Troglosaur. Seriously, how did you survive? Examples: Homer Simpson, Roseanne, Anyone over 4XL, etc.
by Zerosums April 19, 2011
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