a person who's a "star treck" fan
- Hey Moe, I didn't know you were a trecky!
- Yeah.. that was long time ago
by ev_pl July 1, 2006
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To find or to get sexual satisfaction.

Similar when holding up the star trek sign and flipping it downwards to form a vagina symbol.

A more distinguished and lowkey word to say you want sex without sounds like a perve.
Shakeel: Ayo what happened with you and that girl bro.

Marquis:Man we went over to her house and I got some treckie.

Shakeel:awwww shitttt haha was it good?
Marquis:Ya as always.
by qwedin306 August 20, 2009
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1. To have become xMrs Effy's Pimp Daddy with or without any consent.

2. To have released a massive amount of feces on one or mores face(s) while urinating.
Trey: Yo man, xMrs Effy just got Treckied by me!

De' Angelo: Shittttt! I just Treckied on Freshley a few weeks ago bro!
by Treckie March 21, 2012
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