Excessive inflammation of bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscle. Specific palilalia to words "derm-life"and strong sexual urge to ace every exam. Characteristic findings on Histological exams include rectal Carcinoma in-situ....in situ....IN Situ. Commonly seen in tall, dark and handsome men with braces. Urethral tick-tac suppositories have been shown to minimize symptoms in meta-analysis of 69 RCTs.
Blunt trauma to genitalia by spinning Japanese baton or may lead to Acute Tourajitis
by superman12322 December 17, 2015
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A handsome face boy with eye-catching eyes.

Compassionate and heartfelt kind, but cool and proud
If you want to experience excitement, be with Touraj
by Frme January 24, 2018
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Some dumbass man who is a useless pile of shit. Wants to be loved by his boss and is hated by everyone else.
He pulled a Touraj
by TheTeddyBear139 March 14, 2018
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