Bruh da dude make da best Zydeco and Swamp Pop on earth. He be tearin up dat accordion like aint no one never did.
Oh Louisiana some kinda some kinda hold on me,
like cypress stumps your roots have planted deep inside of me,
Oh Louisiana your world is sane to me,
Cajun Blood like the river flood is why I'm runnin free
by Rodney Billiot August 9, 2005
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When two middle aged,homosexual men have sex and one of them stands up before ejaculating and ejaculates onto the other man's bald spot on his head.
Joe did The Salty Toupe onto Kevin's head,his semen was really salty.
by Waffledragon155 March 31, 2012
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when u r taking it up the ass u shit on the other persons weener so there weenner head resembles a head with a toupe on
'my uncle raped me up the but'ses jimmy 'aww man u shoulda give that fucker an arabian toupe that will teach him' replys phillep
by mr arabian February 27, 2009
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one who an ass as a toupe, or a jackass
what an ass toupe!
that ass toupe across the street won't let me use his scissors.
by shferdiggity,falligitty October 17, 2006
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Also referred to as "Toupee", when one gets so hammered at a party they begin to think they can dance. A toup is usually accompanied by a large crowd gathering around to laugh or gawk at the spectacle. (Note: This only applies when the person really CANT dance)
"Oh my god look at Jared he's hammered. What's he doing, is he, OH MY GOD JARED'S ABOUT TO TOUP"

Girl: "Wow did you see that chubby kid toupee last night?"
Guy:"His name is Jared AND HE'S BIG BONED"
by J-roc geog November 2, 2014
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The act of blaming spellcheck for a misspelled word.
You: My name is Taylor not Tyler.

Me: sorry that was a Toups.

(Blaming spellcheck for misspelled word)
by Enivegnar March 4, 2016
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during a sexual experience,when one defecates upon another's bald scalp, creating the illusion of a prefessionally purchased toupe'
His number-toupe' looked better than if he used rogaine.
by ryan daugherty November 17, 2007
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