A semi-popular animator who is very uptight about everything they do, if they get inspired or copy things its fine but if you do it. They will literally call you racist (even if they are racist themselveslol), and will out you to their white knight fans who will harass you and they will be like "woah, how'd that happened?! But it ain't my fault even tho I have a public blacklist.." they are also a believer of color picking, inspiration as being being, Artstyle theft(yes you read that right.) and copying if you have the same wings as their oc. They also color pick but they have a double standard if they do it it's fine, they also copy ocs but won't admitted to it even when confronted. And they will go on a blocking spread because they are a coward lol, and have their white knights and friends 'call you out' and cry about it on their socials, this is why no one likes you. And also their artstyle have been improving backwards as of late. And will blacklist you for kinning a mlp character because their the only one who can do that.
"person 1: I just got blocked by tofubee and I don't know why?"
"Person 2: it is because you have the same name as their oc and it made them uncomfortable, and being uncomfortable is like killing a person for these zgen-er"
by Zzzzzzdude October 30, 2022
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Commonly associated with the names "Edenzhouse" or "Tofubee."
They are a semi-popular controversial furry artist.
They've before been outted as a racist and transphobic person, has drawn CP, as well as heavily fetishizing Asian

culture and Asians in general while being a native to Mexico (non-Asian).
All while being problematic, they've also been known to be abusive to their closest friends, significant others and exes.
In being involved in every drama that comes their way, they never apologize for their wrongdoings and likes to play the victim in situations they themselves have created. Most furry pop designers have them blacklisted or unsupported on Toyhouse.
Other names to watch out for: Hearthshapedlie, Suicidehotline, Yournotenough
"Have you seen that person Tofubee?"

"Oh hell nah they crazy."
by stephenahh July 13, 2022
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