The most scrumptious chocolate barbies,extremly entertaining very outgoing hyper loud,they do usally have that wet wet soker machine (coochie) I must say if you hit your trapped you will fall in love,they are usally really good at the gawk gawk suction I’m just saying if you need a bad bitch find a tiaa😍they are not boring only if your the right one
by Bad fucking bitch April 18, 2020
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1. A financial sweat shop

2. A company living on it's past reputation that has now become a McJob factory

3. A corporate fat farm full of imbeciles

4. 1970's investment technology
Hey man, don't go to work there, the pay is garbage and you'll work 80 hour weeks, it's so tiaa-cref!

That company is so full of shit man, like tiaa-cref fake!

She gained 75 pounds eating all that mayonnaise but she joined a tiaa-cref outfit so she'll fit right in.

They still use DOS to manage their mutual funds, it's so tiaa-cref!
by thehateman November 1, 2009
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Most scrumptious delicious chocolate barbie,loud and hyper very entertaining funny but boys don’t like to admit it😔also have good coochie that wet sucker machine don’t hit els you will fall in love 😾she is weird asf but she’s bad asf ygm if you want an awesome gawk gawk suction 1000 go to “tiaa” those girls are amazing beautiful body
by Bad fucking bitch April 18, 2020
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