A free social networking site made to become an alternative and to laugh in the face of Facebook.com , or as some Emobook users call them, FacePlace after Kathy Griffin and her mother.

TheEmoBook welcomes all misfits, scenes, emo, and goths with respect and has a record to hold many artistic, music loving, and talented members. Like Facebook that started around certain universities, this site was made and spread around a site called DeviantART, where artists of any age and kind could post their arts. The group on DeviantART who made this was #TheEmoGroup, one of the most popular emo groups ever on DA

Although the site shares extreme similarities to FacePlace, it has many more features, and not as many members to seem more comfortable.
In interviews, EmoBook is described as "Facebook, but hidden in a corner from bullies and preps and less stupid. Emobook is small but that might be the best part."
Since I joined TheEmoBook.com, I dont want to commit suicide because of no more Faceplace bullies. Thanks Emobook.
by PunkyHeart June 26, 2011
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