A day that a typical high school junior enrolled in several AP classes experiences daily. Possibly as a result of an unannounced English paper, a monotonous Chemistry lesson about god knows what, a lecture be the rotund physics teacher, a ridiculous calculus test, the simple presence of a Latin or Spanish class, or most likely, a combination of at least 3 of the above.
Chem Teacher: Let's begin!
Dennis: Ughh, I'm not ready for this, it's just been that kind of day.

Stephen: Don't tell me we have a physics test!
Dan: Yeah that homo laid it on thick today!
Stephen: Well what can you expect, it's just been that kind of day.

Xander: What's that smell!?! (looks at shoe and sees he stepped in dog shit) Figures, it's just been that kind of day.
by BilltheThrill12345 April 13, 2011
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A word to describe how good your day is, equivalent to eating a bagel.
OMG I bought a new bag!! Today is a bagel-kind-of-day!! woohoo
by SJEOJATA October 1, 2018
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Game of the year 100/10

(Creo sucks lol)
Yo, did you know that Creo sucks? She is the community manager of A kind of normal day.
by Akondlover69 April 30, 2021
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