Text juking refers to the rapid fire method of a texting sender switching topics during a text conversation before the recipient(s) can respond causing delayed responses and directional confusion - similar to a quick football move.
Text Juker: (Sends Twitter link about nuclear fallout)
Recipient: (Checks link. Skims)
Text Juker: (Replying to earlier topic) “Like my stepfather would say, ‘She looks like she was rode hard and put away wet."’
Recipient: (Starts typing response to nuclear fallout)
Text Juker: “I think I’m going to join Scientology today!”
Recipient: (Deletes response. Now typing response to Scientology)
Text Juker: (Sends a photo of bats having sex)
Recipient: (Replies with a bunch of “ha ha’s” . Creates new meme about Text Juker switching topics like the Fast and Furious changes gears. Checks Urban Dictionary for “Text Juking” term)
by Tess Tickular March 9, 2021
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