This human being is extremely strong-minded and stubborn, She has been through a lot of hardship but somehow

she Is still striving and surviving, She cannot go without the two most important people in her life- all three of them
make a great friendship. Even though her jokes are worse than one or a 40-year old white father, she does have a great
sense of humour... well.... as much as her "slowness" allows. oh BTW she is toxic and a stalker.... watch out! OH OH
SIDE SIDE NOTE- she looks like Gru and BFG had a baby, but something went terribly wrong during the pregnancy:
" Tassan istg if you dont stfu tn, imma actually drop-kick your gry looking ass right to the mf ground"
"Tassan- wanna hear a joke.....everyone, everywhere- 100000000
" Is that Tassan, watching me from the bushes?'
by Slag_hotline January 21, 2022
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