A person who is addicted to Fortnite and really loves lawnmowers. They will say they that they are going to build a lawnmower every day but the next day they will say they were playing Fortnite so they couldn’t.
Tfue and Ninja are such Talishs.” Random person1
Random person2”No they aren’t because they don’t like lawnmowers.”
Random person1”Oh yeah.”
by M1842k February 4, 2019
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the best gf you could ask for she the one bro💍 betta keep her while you got her . She kinda toxic doe 🥰 she one of a million.
by swaavy November 13, 2020
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A term used when you know things about a train, plane, or the Titanic. This term can be used either as an insult, as if you are calling them a nerd, or as a complement saying that they are smart.
Friend: “how many boilers did the Titanic have?”
You: “I think like four”
Friend: “wow thanks, your such a Talish

You: “my favorite train is a TGV duplex
Annoying guy: “Wow your such a Talish you nerd!”
by South SpiderDude March 15, 2018
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A Talish is a cool guy, He is nice but can be mean to like a certain person he likes. He is extremely funny 😁. He makes a lot of girls fall in love him.
by LiiiveAALot December 24, 2018
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