TCHS Pickering is a school in phoenixville PA, this is were all schools in the area send the dumb kids. This school is full of red neck wannabes and girls who want nothing but sex. Lets be fair the school isnt all bad there are some really nice students and the teachers are awesome. This school has programs like cosmology, small wngine, robotics, animal scince and more classes like that. The school is not the best as kids are smoking and drinking all the time in the bathrooms. Students are to quick to blame each other to save there own asses and throw there peers under the bus. Nobody cares rstjer they fail or pass and the classes are so easy an 8 year old could do it. But again lets be fair almost everyone in that school could use easy classes that's why they were thrown im that school to begin with. But if you wanna go just for shop you can do part time if your to good for the dumb kids in full time.
Me: Do you go to TCHS Pickering part time or full time?

Friend: Of course part time who wants to be stuck there more than 3 hours
by Shreklovestacos January 27, 2019
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