Surtillo/ Surtilla/ Surtille 💕

(pronounced Sur-tea-yo/ya, or Sur-teal for non-gender)

Verb or adjective;
To miss someone you love very deeply but are too mentally strained/ exhausted to have a conversation. Surtillo/a can be used as a code word to break the ice when you have gone a few weeks or months without talking to a friend you care about, or used as an apology / reminder that you care about said person, but can't converse at the moment.
Person 1: "Surtilla, girlie 💛"
Person 2: "I love you too! Talk to me when you feel able to!"

Ex 2:

Person 1: Man I just have been very surtillo lately and I hate it. I'm sorry.
Person 2: Hey don't feel bad! I go through surtille phases all the time. You know I care about you! Do you want to talk about it?

by SunshineAngelPie February 7, 2022
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