Sunday sesh

Short for "sunday session". The act of getting together on a Sunday to socialise and drink likely large amounts of alchohol.
"I know we've been out Friday and Saturday, but fancy coming down to the pub for a Sunday sesh?!".

"On my way."
by forthelose April 29, 2010
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Sunday Sesh

Short for ‘Sunday Session’, the Aussie abbreviation is ‘Sunday Sesh’. The act of getting together with mates on a Sunday to socialise and drink substantial amounts of alcohol.
1: Hey after iso you wanna come over for a Sunday sesh?

2: Bloody oath mate. I’d love a Sunday sesh!
by dontmesswithpotatoes April 18, 2020
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Sunday Sesh

The act of waking up on a Sunday morning, smoking some weed, and then chilling and enjoying yourself.

Any very relaxed, laid back seshes that take place in the daytime. May come on the tail end of a really crazy night.
A: How was your weekend? I heard about the party on Saturday...

B: Yeah it was lame as fuck, it got broken up after like a hour. I did crack a Sunday Sesh the day after though, which was pretty chill.
by Philcifer June 18, 2008
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