Stork Dancing - an anthropological term intended to describe the gradual process of discovery between two strangers who are attempting to determine how they are going to impact each others lives going forward. Whether they are going to be good friends, acquaintances, or sexual partners. It's meaning is derived from the actual birds and their mating rituals of dancing with each other for the same reasons. In humans it is most commonly used to characterize a trait of being overly cautious about taking the next step. It can be a sign of low self esteem or Boarder_line Personality Disorder (BPD).

2. Describes two people who are overly cautious about getting to know each other or give out their phone numbers, etc.

3. Can also refer to the mind games people in relationships play with each other to see if the other person really likes them.
We really should video chat or have a phone conversation some time. Written word makes up such a small percent of communication, it lacks nuance, facial expression, and body language. We could spent weeks stork dancing, or we could just have a conversation and learn in thirty minutes what we could never learn online.
by GM1 Stingray August 19, 2020
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