A large, black genius who crushes anybody who dares to appose him. Also, a potential cult-leader.
Tom: Did you see that soft-shoe on "Hannity and Colmes" last night?

Mike: Yeah! He made that doctor look like the thin-skinned, low-rent faggot he is!
by Rodney McDicklicker April 10, 2007
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When not gaining a full commitment to do business from a client, due in large part by pressures from mangement to make a sale and you haven't been to the board all day
"Did you hear Popov take that deposit and say he wont run it thru until Friday? Total soft shoe, but hey at least he's on the board"
by jazzless December 3, 2008
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She soft shoe shuffle (d)

to get that account!

Butt kisser

ex:fecal matter lips...

ex: bend over backwards
by Honeypot3691 November 27, 2017
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When a new addition to an existing work force gets human fecal matter delicately inserted into their gym shoes unbeknownst to the owner.
Karen's been here long enough to finally be initiated into the group with a good ol' Delran soft shoe.
by Rubberbabbybuggybumper December 15, 2015
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