"slaylor" is a internet personality known for being a stan of musicians such as Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Phoebe Bridgers, Sam Smith and Adrianne Lenker. He’s often in stan wars with people such as "ammar", "chem" and the entire Kate Bush fandom
by BjorkDelRey April 5, 2023
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Slaylor was an Aaliyah airlines passenger but he was kicked due to his constant worship of Beyoncé (she plays no instruments mind you) and also his constant use of AAVE. Slaylor fell off since then just like my fave Sophie.
Ammar: Beyoncé tanked

Slaylor: BMS was #1

Ammar:no one heard of that song. Streams tanked.
Slaylor: $&!?%#% fck you you’re racist $&)@!€#%
by Not ammar April 6, 2023
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