Logan tweedie-situe, aka, the devourer of souls, is a incomprehensible immortal being of vast nature and size. When supper time arises, babies are on the menu for all 3 courses. His dog princess and him was banished to the Netherlands of Dubbo for eating a 2 year old (way beyond the age limit and contracted bowel hepatitis). Devourer of souls and his pit bull princess swore revenge on professor long-toes (jailor, former lover, casual fuck buddy, full time cum-extractor, part time nemesis). 4 Aeons later, professor long-toes has has created a new equator with his middle toe, and devourer of souls has escaped from Dubbo and has begun his journey to taking back what was his. Half way through the 50 light year journey his tum-Tum grumbled, it was time for num-nums. During his feast on a new pack of new borns, he had time to think of the origin of his nemesis and fuck buddy. Devourer of souls broke into a hospital and consumed the entire maternity ward except for one, an incubator baby, in a reinforced incubation system, it was professor long toes. Devourer of souls knows that this is just the beginning of a long journey
Logan tweedie-situe ate my baby again”
“Again!! That little rascal”.
by Greg man August 9, 2023
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When a situation is more, it's a moment.
Man, I backed my car over your luggage. Umm, fuck, sorry, Situ-moment.
by 456sanchita April 30, 2023
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When you're in a messy situation with bae. Can be used when you and bae are fighting, bae is seeing another person, etc.
Bae: *flirts with dat bitch*
Girl 1: OMG, wtf is wrong with bae?????
Girls 2, 3, and 4: OMG!!!!! ______ is cheating on his GF!!!!!!
You: Gosh darn it, bae is SUCH an a-hole.

Girl 2: Oh my gosh I feel so bad for you!
Girl 1: Cheating boyfriend? Girl, you got yourself a real situ-bae-tion.
by think on it September 12, 2017
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