A scientific term referring ghost sounds.
Datuk: Puteri, I think you've forgot to put Sintrinia Linardo.
Puteri: Sintrinia Linardo? What is that, Datuk?
Datuk: It means ghost sounds.
Puteri: I see, but are there any reasons for putting it?
Datuk: Because what we're making is a horror film, right? How can it be called horror film if there's no ghost sounds?
Puteri: Noted. Thank you, Datuk!
by Sabah Tanah Airku January 14, 2023
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A term referring people who can't sing properly.
A: Bro, do you think she can be a singer?
B: Hell no! My dog sings better than her!
A: She's such a Sintrinia Linardo.
by Maggie JT February 4, 2023
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