Smart, loyal, twisted-humored girl. Won't take shit from no one, very literal, usually a skeptic, but always hilarious to talk to. Will never let you down. Clever, witty, and rough around the edges. Makes an effort to bring light to any dark situation. Has a great smile. Usually has dark or hazel-eyes. Knows a lot about everything. Sees all sides of arguments. Loves getting even when wronged. But above all, always truthful and one of the best friends you will ever have in your life.
Ex. 1: She's intelligent and brooding, must be a Sheilee.

Ex. 2:

Girl 1 - "Wow, she's super cool and never lies."
Girl 2 - "Oh, her? That's Sheilee. She's awesome!"
by TwistedLilly April 28, 2013
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