1. A person who's a shyster & noticeable fraud, or suspicious of being a fraud
2. Someone who is untrustworthy in any manner;

3. Someone you give a side eye to whenever they open their mouth or are presently in the room because of their reputation of being a knockoff, lying, or engaging in a clear pattern of questionable behavior
Adam Schiff seems very schiffy every time he makes a political statement, especially when he blatantly lied about Russian collusion.
Your statement sounds extremely schiffy especially considering you're a known liar.
Only a schiffy pastor would have a 1000-dollar line, a 100-dollar line, a 10-dollar line & a 1-dollar line while proclaiming everyone will get the same blessing.
That pastor who claimed he was robbed of a 1 million dollar chain on live TV sounds very schiffy to me. I bet he orchestrated the whole thing.
Those glasses & hairstyle he's wearing make him look very schiffy. I wonder how many bodies he has in his basement
by DrShalomim January 8, 2023
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