Acronym for shake your monkey stick at. Monkey stick is another way to explain a magic wand, index finger, or judge mallot. To judge another and proceed to give critical advice only. Imagine the stick is a wand. The monkey stick or wand shake occurs reflectant of a symphonic conductor, as one strings along in detail to the best of their ability, why they oppose. Instinctually shaking one's monkey stick at any casts an anti-directive spell upon oppositional reaction to, the act, idea, concept, theory, or claim of another.
AlphaAyries: Why do critics persistently shake their monkey stick at or SYMSA my ideas of space, time, spirituality, astral plane, metaphysics, homeostasis, thriving, and cycles?
AlphaHaus: Your critics are ball and chained to undermining your success. Focus your ideas on free knowledge work services to help free the Zorg! Then you will go on to teach time trace, a way roll the reels, or ruminate for knowledge, ideas, solutions as one navigates time fabric.
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