An incel who has a job within a STEM field, which tends to attract a shitload of them.
Girl 1: "Damn he's cute, and he has a stable career. Why hasn't he been snatched up?"
Girl 2: "He's a stemcel. He does nothing but crunch numbers on a screen and talk about how much girls only date douchebags."
by chadwarden62 September 1, 2018
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An incel who believes they can't get laid because they study a STEM subject
Pathetic wretch: "it's so hard being a genius male Engineer, girls are too dumb for me, I think I'm a STEMcel"
Anyone: "Maybe you just hate women and have self-esteem issues"
by Ergodic Hypercube August 17, 2021
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Chicken protein stemcells grown in hydroponic farms for human consumption.
No chicken were killed in for this product. It was proved by"Chicken protein stemcell hydroponics”
by Mustang Chef April 5, 2019
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