Not to be confused with anti-hypocrisy tutelage ("This what we SHOULD do, but it is not what a lot of people actually DO do"), this term refers to what you attempt to teach a fellow living creature during house-training.
A classic example of "SHOULD do vs. DOO-doo" would be an '80's-era "Garfield" cartoon where Jon Arbuckle was upset when Odie "left a gift on the carpet"; he then expressed great appreciation to Garfield for being housebroken.
by QuacksO February 17, 2021
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A comparison of proper behavior and typical behavior regarding calls on Line 2.
In this world, what we SHOULD do vs. what we DOO-doo are not always da same thing, especially if we happen to be seagulls, pets who have not been housebroken, etc.
by QuacksO May 6, 2023
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