n. -one who does not have the mental capacity to properly and safely navigate a public road.

Some one who drives like a retard.

Someone suffering from Roadtardation
During summer, Cape Cod is beset upon by roadtards. Driving becomes an exercise in futility and stress.
by The Afterworld Cafe October 10, 2007
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Roadtard is a play on the word "roadguard", which is used to refer to a member of a military flight who stands in the way and blocks oncoming traffic so the flight can have safe passage across a roadway.

A roadtard is a roadguard who performs their duties in a ridiculous and/or mockworthy manner.
"Did you see the getup that roadtard was wearing today?" "Yeah, that's Freddy. Freddy the Roadtard."
by Benjamin Jason June 2, 2008
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noun -the state or condition of being a roadtard

-the mental inability to to properly and safely navigate public roads.
In many states, roadtardation rates are reaching epidemic proportions.

by The Afterworld Cafe October 10, 2007
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