People who believe in God/Gods.

Some religious people are extremists, believing that they are right and everyone who disagrees with them is wrong. There are also Atheists, who don’t believe in gods. Some atheists don’t completely deny gods, they just aren’t sure. Atheists can be extremists, too. These “bad” atheists think that if you believe in god/gods, then you are an idiot and delusional.

But since you can’t prove or disprove any god's existence, you really shouldn’t walk around telling people they are wrong for what they believe.
Religious people believe in a god
by T pose for PewDiePie April 3, 2019
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People who assume that just because the universe exists, it must been have crafted especially for us.

They also assume it must have a purpose. In their desperation for said purpose, they are willing to ignore all evidence to the contrary of the validity of their dogmatic teachings. Such denial often results in much hilarity (see Creationism).

If that weren't enough, they go further in assuming the fantastic privilege of an afterlife, when no such evidence for one exists.
Ah, religious wonder they used to think all the planets revolved around the Earth!

If the word anthropocentric doesn't fit in just perfectly here, I don't know what does.
by Submitters of Words April 4, 2011
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