1.Roblox police/ bully hunters use this to refer to the autistic and retarded
2. Tyler W.
1.I kil rejwards
2.No rejwarded pedple allowd

3. Tyler W is rejwarded
by UrMommyIsGae December 18, 2018
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1.Roblox police/ bully hunters use this to refer to the autistic and retarded
2. Tyler W.
1.I kil rejwards
2.No rejwarded pedple allowd

3. Tyler W is rejwarded
by UrMommyIsGae December 18, 2018
Get the Rejwarded mug.
1.Roblox police/ bully hunters use this to refer to the autistic and retarded
2. Tyler W.
1.I kil rejwards
2.No rejwarded pedple allowd

3. Tyler W is rejwarded
by UrMommyIsGae December 18, 2018
Get the Rejwarded mug.